
Most students felt that adults needed to intervene to stop it. 评分高的学生, disciplinary measures for known hazing incidents (61%) and police investigation and 对欺侮行为的起诉 cases (50%) as the best prevention strategies. 除了, students felt that positive bonding (43%), educational activities (37%), and challenging activities (30%) would help to prevent hazing.

How Would Students Prevent 被欺侮?

预防策略 %
Strong discipline for hazing 61
警方调查 & 对欺侮行为的起诉 50
Positive, bonding activities 43
Education about positive initiation and hazing 37
Adults who support positive initiation activities 34
Physically challenging activities 30
Adults who say hazing is not acceptable 27
Good behavior required to join the group 29
A "no hazing" agreement would be signed by students 23
其他 10

Asked for "other" prevention strategies, students responded (n=139):

  • Only drastic changes in culture can prevent it. Over a quarter referred to hazing as an integral part of tradition and culture and therefore extremely difficult to prevent. Students said it would take a "breakdown of tradition" to stop it. One student said there is "no way (to prevent hazing) without drastically changing our culture." (27%).
  • Commitment to civility, community, and equality: School officials must say it's not acceptable and stress equality, 自尊, 尊重他人. There need to be good role models, 育儿, 早期学习, with support and rewards for good behavior and those students who speak out against hazing. Students need to improve their self-esteem, 长大后, 学会成熟, talk about it with other students, and put peer pressure out against it. Several students made statements such as: "The people who do it have to want to stop. 其他wise it will continue." "Only those involved can change these things." And "Make kids understand that they do have a choice, that it's okay to refuse to go along with it." (25%).
  • 增加意识: Students suggested more information on hazing, including the harm it can cause, be provided through classes. They also mentioned making students aware of previous hazing accidents, "something similar to the mock car crashes they do for drunk driving." As one student put it, "Tell the gory stories - they hit the heart harder!!" Many of these students said parent need to be informed about all initiations, as well as school policy on hazing issues. 父母 should be asked to help prevent it. One student noted that written, signed agreements don't help. “它们必须是真实的." A few students noted the dangers of publicizing incidents, 建议, "the less people that know, the less will think it's cool," and "Don't make a big deal about it over TV." (10%).
  • Intentionally designed activities: Students suggested mentally challenging activities; more programs for teens; things to do around town; positive extracurricular activities; and spiritual or church involvement (10%).
  • Strict rules with enforcement: Students recommended expulsion, jail time, or generally "harsh punishment." 其他s suggested making illegal; terminating the group if it is caught hazing; adopting a zero- tolerance policy; removing students from a group if they are hazing others; implementing alcohol/drug testing for some groups; rewarding students for "turning in" those who haze; implementing strict rules to belong to a club or social group; having schools adopt a safe-school act; increasing adult supervision; and "making people look stupid for hazing." (10%).
  • 不要阻止它: These students thought it is the student's choice: "I don't think it's wrong as long as the person is willing and it's out of good intentions." Students suggested making hazing an option and supervising it. 其他s said, "There's nothing wrong with it; it's fun." One student said, "It was done to us, now it's their turn." (8%).
  • One student said, "Less encouragement for sexual hazing."